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I like glass teapots and like to make Glass Lids.

These two ingredients are added to most processed food

Cooking simple meals such as stir-fries and casseroles are just as convenient and so much better for you.9. They add flavour and act as a preservative but they can be present even in foods you don't expect or are labelled in ways that you don't recognise.Everything in moderation. Watch your salt limits too. Have fruit as a snack during the day and salad and vegetables with your main meals. Read the food labels if you buy tinned, processed produce to be aware of how much salt, sugar and fat is in the food you buy. Fruit & Veg. Eat a piece of fruit or drink fresh juice for breakfast. One of the most important ways to improve your eating habits is to have a balanced diet with plenty of fruit and vegetables, whole food, fish and meat, nuts and seeds. If you're thirsty you're already dehydrated.

Excess alcohol causes your kidneys and liver to work overtime to rid the body of pyrex drinking glasses the toxins.6.If you can, buy organic and wash fruit and vegetables before eating unless your peeling them. Know how much sugar, salt and fat you should be eating. Pesticide residues are more likely to remain on the skin and fruits such as apples are often treated in storage. Natural sugars found in fruits and vegetables are all you need. And how much does it really cost. Your body has been without food over night ? break the fast with a glass of fresh juice (see above) and then a healthy bowl of cereal, muesli or porridge (avoid those loaded with salt and sugar). Avoid adding sugar to food and drinks and avoid synthetic replacements. Try to eat every 2-3 hours ? little and often ? to avoid your blood sugar levels fluctuating too much. It contains healthy Omega 3 oils, which are good for your joints, and nerves. Know your limits and drink water to help your body eliminate the toxins. Sugar is empty calories, in it's basic form it contains little nutritional value.

If you drink a lot of tea and coffee to keep you going then these have a diuretic effect so you should be drinking water to compensate.Clare is a Personal and Business Coach who works with individuals and small business owners to help them organise their time more effectively and create a better work life balance - enabling them to spend more time doing what they want and less time doing what they don't.

These two ingredients are added to most processed food. The majority of us don't tend to drink enough during the day. I don't mean orange juice with your breakfast but fresh vegetable juices. Water.Have a glass of water first thing in the morning and last thing at night ? your body loses a lot of water while you're asleep ? not only if it's warm and you sweat a lot but just going 8 hours (if you're so lucky) without food or drink it's going to be dehydrated